"A Synthesis of Empirically supported classwide Interventions: Matching" by Bethanie Monsen-Ford

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Educational Specialist (EdS)




Not specified


The most common forms of intervention for behavioral concerns of students in the school setting are schoolwide positive behavior support (PBS) systems and individualized interventions based upon functional behavior assessment (FBA). Research has shown positive outcomes for both schoolwide PBS systems and individual interventions utilizing FBA. However, less research has been done with classwide behavior interventions. A review of the literature was conducted to indentify classwide behavior interventions conducted in a regular education classroom with primarily regular education students. Studies identified to meet inclusion criteria were assessed to determine the possible function or combination of functions served. Twenty-one studies were identified examining twenty-three classwide behavior interventions. Results indicate that school-based problem solving teams have many successful classwide behavior interventions to choose from when consulting with a teacher. In addition, the vast majority of classwide interventions reviewed were implemented by a classroom teacher indicating high feasibility of usage. These results, discussion of function(s) addressed, and limitations or areas with need for further examination are discussed as well as implications for school-based problems solving teams, the school psychologist in particular.

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Psychology Commons
