Date of Award


Degree Type

Creative Project

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Kinesiology and Health Science

Committee Chair(s)

Brennan Thompson


Brennan Thompson


Talin Louder


Dale Wagner


Blood flow restriction (BFR) exercise has become an increasingly common modality due to evidence that it may yield positive muscle-related effects from low-intensity exercise. However, eccentric-only exercise in a multi-joint format has not yet been investigated in regard to the BFR influence on muscle recovery characteristics. The purpose of this study was to assess muscle recovery responses via isometric peak force (PF), soreness (i.e., VAS, PPT, PPD), and functional power (i.e., SLHD) following a 5-minute low-load multi-joint eccentric exercise bout with or without blood flow restriction. Thirty participants were randomly assigned into either an eccentric-only (CON) or an eccentric BFR (ECC-BFR) group. The CON group performed a single 5-minute bout of eccentric exercise while the ECC-BFR group performed the same exercise bout but with a tourniquet applied to the dominant limb (upper thigh). Muscle function was assessed in both groups at baseline (Pre) and again at 5-minutes after the exercise (Post) and again at 24, 48, and 72 h following the exercise session. There was no interaction effect for PF (p = 0.490). A main effect for time for PF and SLHD was shown such that these measures decreased at up to 48 h post exercise, in both groups. There was a significant group × time interaction for VAS (p = 0.017) and PPT (p = 0.015) that favored the ECC-BFR group. Low-load eccentric exercise with BFR may improve recovery, without any impact on PF responses. Such a result could help with adherence factors to eccentric exercise, due to a decrease in perceived soreness while maintaining a higher pain threshold.
