Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Departmental Honors


Political Science


Some years ago, in 1972 to be exact, I was a student senator at Sky View High School. Every once in a while we would be called together to discuss issues that affected our school. One particular session dealt with school population. Six years ago we were experiencing a lot of overcrowding in the school auditorium. The authorities at that time were concerned, and were asking our opinions, as student leaders, on the issue.

During that meeting, we learned that the school district owned land above Hyrum, and eventually a high school for the south end of the valley was to be built. This struck me as odd because Hyrum was the location of the old South Cache High School. Furthermore, Sky View is located in the north of the valley in Smithfield. Smithfield is close, three or four miles to Richmond, where the old North Cache High School had been. It seemed to me then, that we were returning to the old p re-consolidation days (1963).
