Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Departmental Honors




Past literature has examined the impacts of sexism and its correlates. In this study, religious fundamentalism and relationship quality were identified as important factors related to sexist attitudes and internalize d misogyny. Two hundred ten women, ages 18-25, completed a survey including the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory, Revised Religious Fundamentalism Scale, Attitudes Toward Women Scale, Internalized Misogyny Scale, and Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale. Higher religious fundamentalism was associated with lower relationship quality, mediated by internalized misogyny, traditional gender roles, and hostile sexism. While mental health outcomes were also collected, associations proved to be insignificant. The intersection of sexist attitudes and internalized misogyny with political affiliation and voting behavior was also explored. Participants who voted for Clinton/Kane reported lower levels of internalized misogyny when compared to those who voted for Trump/Pence. In addition. Democrat and Independent individuals reported significantly lower levels of internalized misogyny and hostile sexism when compared to Republican and Not Affiliated individuals.

Included in

Psychology Commons



Faculty Mentor

Renee V. Galliher

Departmental Honors Advisor

Melissa Tehee