Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Departmental Honors


Animal, Dairy, and Veterinary Sciences


This study determined relationships between beef cattle temperament and their feedlot performance. Thirty-five Angus cross-bred steers and heifers (18 steers and 17 heifers) were placed in the Utah State University feedlot to take part in the feed trial. Cattle temperament was measured by a chute score (CS, ranging from 1 = calm and not moving to 5 = rearing and violently struggling) and flight speed. Flight speed was measured by two observers to determine how long the animal took to travel 12 feet from the exit of the squeeze chute. Feedlot performance was assessed by body weight (BW) measurements, average daily gain (ADO) and feed efficiency. Individual daily feed intake was measured as well. Temperament scores were taken at the animal's introduction to the feedlot and at 28 day intervals throughout the trial. A total of 7 different BW measurements and temperament scores were included in this trial. As time progressed, all temperament measurements decreased. Across all three measurements day 0 was significantly higher than day 168 (P < 0.0001). Within heifers there was a negative correlation between daily feed intake and three time points. Weight was different between sex class with steers weighing an average of 108.5 lbs more than heifers (P=0.0027) on day 168. Daily feed intake (P=0.089) and average daily gain (P=0.007) differed between the sexes, but feed efficiency did not (P=0.983). Results of this study indicate that there is not a significant difference in temperament, but there was a difference between sexes in weight. Correlation results indicate that heifer temperament may have greater implications for daily feed intake in comparison with steers.

Included in

Beef Science Commons



Faculty Mentor

Jerrad Legako

Departmental Honors Advisor

Lee Rickords