Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Departmental Honors




Our society has become increasingly segregated between generations, specifically with senior adults. During the last years of a senior adult's life, he or she may often feel socially isolated which is closely correlated to depression, mental health challenges, and physical decline. These challenges may likely increase considering the number of adults age 65 and older is predicted to double within the next 25 years.

Intergenerational care is an innovative model that combines both child and senior care in a way that bridges the gap between generations. Studies have shown that implementing this model can benefit residents in ways that other types of care facilities cannot. Time spent with children can be a powerful antidote to depression, disability, and memory retention. It also benefits children by helping them better understand disabilities and the aging process.

The purpose of this study is to view intergenerational care from management's perspective. In the fiercely competitive environment of senior care, intergenerational care can be a powerful strategic solution not only to substantially increase profit, but to improve quality of life for those involved. Through secondary research, the study highlights the strategic approach and benefits of intergenerational care to the business, staff, and residents. It provides practical ideas to implement this model of care into existing facilities.



Faculty Mentor

Chad Albrecht

Departmental Honors Advisor

Shannon Peterson