Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Departmental Honors


Plants, Soils, and Climate


The importance of providing fresh produce on a local level is becoming a widespread consideration among people concerned with the character of their food. For regions without an opportune growing climate, extending the growing season can drastically advance productivity. High tunnels are one way to effectively and profitably extend the growing season in cold climates. The benefits of growing in a high tunnel go beyond raising the temperature. High tunnels contribute to higher quality small fruits and vegetables. The benefits of growing in high tunnels have been explored in other states and could be exploited by Utah growers. Utah's climate could be advantageous to high tunnel production, and further research will provide a foundation for advancement. This article will discuss previous research findings and considerations for the future of high tunnel production in Utah. High value crops under consideration include: Raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, tomato, specialty greens, and cut flowers.



Faculty Mentor

Brent Black

Departmental Honors Advisor

Jennifer MacAdam