Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Departmental Honors


Theatre Arts


I presented my senior project on Wednesday, February 22, 2006, at 5:00p.m. and again at 7:30p.m. It was the final product of several months of research followed by several weeks of rehearsals.

This project was designed, directed, and produced by myself. I chose all of the scenes, managed all of the rehearsals, chose the actors, designed the sets and gathered any technical support that I needed for the run of the recital.

My original task with this portion of the research began as an analytical paper on the background of each of the scenes that I performed for my senior project. However, I soon discovered that a strictly analytical paper would digress too far from my original work on the project. That is because some of the artistic choices that I had made had nothing to do with the original staging of the plays or their historical backgrounds. Those sorts of creative decisions call for justification. Therefore, along with the analysis of the plays themselves, there will be descriptions of my own personal choices with each scene.



Faculty Mentor

Adrianne Moore

Departmental Honors Advisor

Kevin Doyle