Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)




I am a senior, finishing up the last accounting class for my undergraduate degree in accounting. I recently completed an internship with PwC in the McLean, Virginia office. At PwC, I was an assurance intern primarily responsible for assisting my engagement teams by performing tests around financial statement line items such as 'cash.' I learned quite a bit about the PWC process for auditing these items because I performed these same procedures on six different clients.

My role as an intern was to perform uniform tasks that needed to be done on each engagement, and when I was done I would go to the next client to perform those same tasks. This was appropriate for an intern with very little practical experience in public accounting. Although the expectations on me were not incredibly difficult, I still experienced a learning curve due to this being my first exposure to this kind of work. By the end of my internship, however, I felt comfortable in completing my assigned tasks and even received reviews from team leaders expressing that they would love to have me on their teams in future engagements.


This work made publicly available electronically on September 20, 2011.

Included in

Accounting Commons



Faculty Mentor

Dr. Nate Stephens