Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Departmental Honors




This Honors Capstone project aimed to support the Malouf Foundation’s initiatives to combat sexual violence exploitation and abuse through three main components: developing a participant survey for the Smart Defense self-defense program, conducting research to identify male survivor speakers for the Malouf Summit, and implementing a comprehensive donor data management system.

The Smart Defense survey was designed through an extensive process involving meetings with instructors, stakeholder input, personal participation in the program, and multiple reviews. The resulting survey captures critical feedback from participants to guide instruction adjustments and ensure the program’s continued effectiveness. To promote the inclusion of diverse perspectives, I conducted research to find recommended male survivors to speak at the 2023 Malouf Summit. This involved reviewing survivor blogs, podcasts, and articles to understand their experiences, and then evaluating and presenting top candidates aligned with the summit’s goals.

Recognizing the importance of efficient donor management, a centralized data system was implemented to consolidate donor information across the foundation’s various initiatives. This multi-month project aggregated data from over 52 Excel sheets, performed data cleaning and integrated the consolidated records into Bloomerang’s donor management platform. This optimized system enhances donor communication, maximizes resource allocation, and an increases support for survivors.

Through these three components, the project contributed to the Malouf Foundation’s mission by improving the Smart Defense program’s impact, amplifying survivor voices, and streamlining fundraising capabilities – key factors in providing support, raising awareness, and effecting change in combatting sexual violence and exploitation.



Faculty Mentor

Kristyn Allred

Departmental Honors Advisor

Rick Hardcopf