"Ellis-Pahsimeroi, Final Grazing Environmental Impact Statement" by United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Idaho

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The Ellis-Pahsimeroi Grazing Environmental Impact Statement analyzes the effects of livestock grazing on 380,458 acres of public land in central Idaho. Six grazing management alternatives are presented for consideration and are analyzed in terms of their projected economic, social and environmental effects. Each alternative analyzes a different level of allocating the vegetative resource among competing uses.

This document will be used to determine the proper level of livestock grazing on the public lands, using the multiple use sustained-yield concept. Its contents exemplify the conflicting demands being placed on public lands throughout the West and the concessions necessary to achieve parity between resource needs and resource use. The range land management program selected for the Ellis-Pahsimeroi area will be based upon the analysis presented in this document.


SuDocs call # I 1.98:EL 5/3
