"Challis Resource Area Proposed Resource Management Plan and Final Envi" by United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management

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The Challis Proposed Resource Management Plan/Final Environmental Impact Statement (PRMP/FEIS) describes the Bureau of Land Management's proposed plan for managing approximately 792,567 acres of public lands administered by the BLM within the Challis Resource Area. The PRMP/FEIS is based on the Preferred Alternative (Alternative 2) described in the Challis Draft RMP/EIS (BLM, May 1996), as modified in response to public and tribal comments and internal BLM recommendations. It describes changes from and corrections to the Challis Draft RMP/EIS, updates the discussion of the affected environment, provides an analysis of environmental consequences for the Proposed RMP, and records public comments and responses. The PRMP/FEIS incorporates the Draft RMP/EIS by reference and should be used in conjunction with that document.


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