This discussion will explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on scholarly research and publishing. Travel restrictions, retracted funding, delayed or halted projects, and an increase in caretaker and other personal responsibilities at home compound to create unprecedented challenges for producing and publishing research. Early indicators show women, those with significant unpaid care responsibilities, and members of minoritized groups have been disproportionately impacted. For graduate students and early career faculty who depend on research and publication for promotion and tenure, the stakes are especially high. Join our panelists for a conversation about the how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the research landscape.
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Utah State University
Publication Date
scholarly research, publishing, covid-19, research landscape
Recommended Citation
Edenfield, Avery C.; Fukushima, Annie Isabel; Thoms, Becky L.; Vargis, Elizabeth; and Glass, Christy M., "Research and Publishing during COVID-19" (2020). Intersections on Inclusion: Critical Conversations about the Academy. 2.