Mobile-Enhanced Field Research: Biocore Plant Identification
Document Type
Conference Paper
Journal/Book Title/Conference
Games+Learning+Society Conference
ETC Press
Madison, WI
Publication Date
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In this report, we discuss a pilot study of a plant identification field research activity in an undergraduate “Biocore: Ecology, Genetics, and Evolution” laboratory course at the University of Wisconsin‐Madison. This study investigates the efficiency and accuracy of using mobile devices for field research data collection activities. We draw from theories of distributed cognition (Cole & Engeström 1993; Hutchins, 1995) and situated learning (Brown, Collins& Duguid, 1989; Lave & Wenger, 1991) to explore how novices use mobile devices in the field to collect data. We conducted a design experiment(Brown, 1995), and we offer our findings and their implications for the development of a generalized field research platform.
Recommended Citation
Gagnon, D., McGee, S., Litts, B. K., & Martin, J. (2014). Mobile-enhanced field research: BioCore plant identification. In A. Ochsner, J. Deitmeier, C. Willaims, & C. Steinkuehler (Eds), Proceedings of the tenth annual Games+Learning+Society Conference (pp. 458-459). ETC Press: Pittsburgh, PA.