Examining Design-Based Implementation Research Through Linkographic Analysis

Document Type

Conference Paper

Journal/Book Title/Conference

16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences


International Society of the Learning Sciences

Publication Date


First Page


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There has been much work describing the foundation of DBIR research, including the importance of building relationships, building capacity, attending to sustainability, co-constructing designs iteratively, among other high-level factors (Penuel et al., 2011; Sabelli & Dede, 2013). While this is a widely used methodology in the CSCL community, open questions remain regarding how nuanced practices and decisions in DBIR are made to produce interventions. Innovative learning takes place during the design process, and researchers rarely document or assess this to the same extent as other forms of learning (Kali, 2016). Examining the interactions in the design process can inform how to improve our processes, share insights about scaffolding collaborative conversations, and provide rich examples to scholars learning to collaborate with communities. Responding to the call for more in-depth analysis of collaborative design processes (Kolodner et al., 2016), I examine how an interdisciplinary team of researchers and users designed a collaborative orchestration tool.

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