Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences Research | Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences | Utah State University
The Department of Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences conducts various research and features many research groups and centers. This collection shows the various work related to the research done by the faculty, groups and centers in the department featuring reports, data sets, multimedia, professional development curricula, and games.

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Multilinguality in the Digital Library: A Review, Anne Diekema



IA Quality Guide, Sarah Giersch, Heather Leary, and Mimi Recker



Changing Higher Education Learning with Web 2.0 and Open Education Citation, Annotation, and Thematic Coding Appendices, Heather Leary, M. Harrison Fitt, and David Wiley


Instructional Architect Teacher Professional Development Handouts, Mimi Recker, Andrew Walker, M. Brooke Robertshaw, Linda Sellers, and Heather M. Leary