The restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic forced many early intervention (EI) providers and families to adopt an emergency virtual service delivery model. The exigent nature of the pandemic necessitated the rapid transition to virtual early intervention, often without the benefit of training and guidance for both providers and caregivers regarding the use of virtual platforms, objectives, procedures, and the overall dynamics of the virtual session. As restrictions begin to ease and in-person home visits once again become possible, many providers and caregivers may be wondering how tele-intervention (TI) services might fit in ongoing early intervention for children who are deaf or hard of hearing. It will be necessary to review desired family outcomes and the components of high-quality TI services as caregivers and providers determine their intervention plan forward together. The purpose of this article is to highlight resources pertaining to the provision of high-quality TI services in keeping with recommended family-centered early intervention practices.
Recommended Citation
Dawson, P. & Glade, R. (2022). Tele-Intervention Resources. Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention, 7(2), 69-73. DOI: https://doi.org/10.26077/a07f-8198
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