Practitioners utilize caregiver coaching in early intervention services, but coaching principles and practices are not well understood in the context of listening and spoken language (LSL) services with families of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. The purpose of this study was to examine practitioners’ experiences with coaching, including definitions, training, and practices they utilize in their work with families. Using semi-structured, qualitative interviews and video observation discussions, this study examined the perspectives of 14 practitioners providing LSL services to families at three intervention sites in the US and Canada. Results indicate that practitioners’ underlying beliefs about their coaching proficiency and caregivers’ capacity impact their coaching practices and how they engage with caregivers. Results highlight practices such as mentoring and accountability that supported practitioners’ coaching skills. This study contributes to the understanding of caregiver coaching in LSL practice and has implications for practitioners working to improve their coaching skills, which may improve LSL services and optimize child outcomes.
Recommended Citation
Noll, D. Moodie, S. Graham, I. D. Potter, B. & Fitzpatrick, E. M. (2022). “It’s About Walking Alongside a Family”: Practitioner Perspectives on Caregiver Coaching With Families of Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention, 7(3), 71-86. DOI: https://doi.org/10.26077/5bf7-1ef0
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