This study examined the relationship between maternal and child ACEs in children with hearing loss ages 3-12. One hundred twenty-four mother-child dyads completed assessments of mother and child ACEs. Adverse cChildhood eExperiences (ACEs) were measured using the Center for Youth Wellness Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire (CYW ACE-Q; Burke Harris & Renschler, 2015).
Both maternal and child participants in this study reported higher levels of ACE exposure than previously reported in studies of the general population. Maternal and child ACEs were significantly correlated. White/Caucasian mothers experienced significantly fewer ACEs than mothers of other races/ethnicities. Children living in adoptive, foster, or guardianship placements experienced significantly more ACEs than children living with their biological mothers. The results of this study suggest that maternal and child ACEs are significantly correlated in children with hearing loss and their mothers, as has been found in literature on hearing mother-child dyads.
Recommended Citation
Rosenzweig, E. A. (2023). Adverse Childhood Experiences in Mothers and Their Children with Hearing Loss. Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention, 8(1), 8-21. DOI: https://doi.org/10.26077/0cab-c57e
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