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Global News After the Cold War, Ted Pease; Media Studies Journal
Professional Orientation Equals Second-Class Status in Academe, Ted Pease; JournalismEducator
Symposium—In the Media, A Woman’s Place, Ted Pease; Media Studies Journal
The Diplomat’s View of the Press and Foreign Policy: A Conversationwith Jack F. Matlock Jr, Ted Pease; Media Studies Journal
The Media Scoreboard, Final Round: Lessons of Campaign ’92, Ted Pease; The Homestretch: New Politics. New Media. New Voters?
Who’s Covering What in the Year of the Women?, Ted Pease; Media Studies Journal
Why Should We Care? The Philosophical and Economic Arguments forMedia Diversity, Ted Pease; Pluralizing Journalism Education: AMulticultural Handbook
Conflicting Visions of Isak Dinesen’s Africa, Brenda Cooper; Conflicting Visions of Isak Dinesen’s Africa
The Fairness Factor, Everette E. Dennis and Ted Pease; Media Studies Journal
Assessing Coverage: A Survey of Campaign Correspondents, Ted Pease; The Finish Line—Covering the Campaign’s Final Days
How to Teach Diversity Handbook, Ted Pease; How to Teach Diversity Handbook
News 2000: Not My Kid! Journalists Leery of Newspapers’ Future, Ted Pease; NewspaperResearch Journal
Publishing Books, Ted Pease; The Quill
Race and the Politics of Promotion in Newspaper Newsrooms, Ted Pease; Race and the Politics of Promotion in Newspaper Newsrooms
Race, Gender and Job Satisfaction in Newspaper Newsrooms, Ted Pease; Readings in Media Management
Who’s Making the News? Changing Demographics of Newspaper Newsrooms, Ted Pease; Who’s Making the News? Changing Demographics of Newspaper Newsrooms
Blaming the Boss: Newsroom Professionals See Managers as Public Enemy No. 1, Ted Pease; Newspaper Research Journal
The Newsroom Barometer: Job Satisfaction and the Impact of Racial Diversity on U.S. Daily Newspapers, Ted Pease and Frazier Smith; Ohio Journalism Monographs
Depictions of Men & Women in Advertising: Time & Ladies’ Home Journal, 1930s-1980s, Brenda Cooper, C Rogers, and G Jenkins; Depictions of Men & Women in Advertising: Time & Ladies’ Home Journal, 1930s-1980s
Ducking the Diversity Issue: Newspapers’ Real Failure Is Performance, Ted Pease; NewspaperResearch Journal
NRJ Index, 1984-1989., Ted Pease; NewspaperResearch Journal
Still on the beat (or would be): J Educators Value Professional Experience, Want More, Ted Pease; Newspaper Research Journal
Surviving to the Top: Views of MinorityNewspaper Executives, Ted Pease and Guido H. Stempel III; NewspaperResearch Journal
Breaking Media’s Sexist Bonds? An Analysis of Female Roles in Jane Fonda’s Films, Brenda Cooper; Breaking Media’s Sexist Bonds? An Analysis of Female Roles in Jane Fonda’s Films
From Outcast to Oracle: The Rehabilitation of Jane Fonda in the Press, Brenda Cooper; From Outcast to Oracle: The Rehabilitation of Jane Fonda in the Press
Kenneth Burke Goes to the Movies: An Analysis of Identification Strategies in Jane Fonda’s Films, Brenda Cooper; Kenneth Burke Goes to the Movies: An Analysis of Identification Strategies in Jane Fonda’s Films
Rehabilitating a Rebel: A Burkean Analysis of the Image of Jane Fonda, Brenda Cooper; Speech Association of Minnesota Journal
From Celebrity Entrepreneur to Civic Hero: Donald Trump’s Campaign of Self-Transformation, Brenda Cooper and D Descutner; From Celebrity Entrepreneur to Civic Hero: Donald Trump’s Campaign of Self-Transformation
Cornerstone for Growth: How Minorities Are Vital to the Future of Newspapers, Ted Pease; NewspaperResearch Journal
Kerner Plus 20: Minority News Coverage in the Columbus Dispatch – AComparative Content Study, Ted Pease; NewspaperResearch Journal
Kerner Plus 20: Minority News Coverage in the Columbus Dispatch—A Comparative Content Study, Ted Pease; Kerner Plus 20: Minority News Coverage in the Columbus Dispatch—A Comparative Content Study
One Daily Shows Virtually No Change in Coverage of Minorities Since 1965, Ted Pease; ASNE Bulletin
Surviving to the Top: A Study of Minority News Executives, Ted Pease; Surviving to the Top: A Study of Minority News Executives
Back to the Newsroom: Journalism Educators’ Professional Activities, Ted Pease; NewspaperResearch Journal