Successful Farming, January 1906

Document Type

Articles by P. G. Holden, 1906

Journal/Book Title/Conference

William Kerr papers, University Archive, 03p01s04d02Bx004Fd10

Publication Date

January 1906


articles, Successful Farming, Iowa Agricultural College, New Year's resolves, retirement, farm plans, faithful steward, soil care, planned life, parcel post, growing, feed, hog shelter, purchase, stock, type of sow, type of boar, pigs, farm fences, general purpose barn, gasoline engine notes, spreader, labor, mortgage, fanning mill, Uncle John Barlow's Letter to his Nephew, practical experiments, corn culture, county cooperative stations, agronomy department, contrary views, essentials, livestock, pork, muttony flavors, horses, clips, fattening hogs, stables, breaking a stall kicker, feeding horses variety, gross extravagance, dairy, milk, milking, dairying, cow, special purpose cows, dual purpose cows, winter flavor, butter, incubator, roosts, nests, construction, poultry, chickens, barn, henhouse, soft-shelled eggs, patent hen, fresh paint talks, notice, lawn shrub, peach, seeds, horticulture, tree protectors, fruit insurance, berry garden, birds, veterinary, handy orchard device, feeding rack, lambs, self-cleaning hog pen, keen kutter, publishers, prizes, awards, fruit as a medicine, household hints, antidote, poison, manly boys, cook column, plain living, boston brown bread, honey, washing blankets, patterns, pointed arrows, uses for the egg, remedies, colds, bacon, charades, words of praise well merited


Articles written by P. G. Holden.

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