A Chronology of Medieval Historical Narratives



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This chronological guide intends to offer a first orientation in the historiography and hagiography of the Middle Ages, from ca. 500 a.d. to ca. 1500 a.d. Its specialty is that—in contrast to most other reference works—it is not organized alphabetically by author and/or title, but chronologically, by centuries. We attempted to list texts written later—or even much later—than the period covered, but containing relevant information on it; however, we do not claim completeness for these long-term titles. In other words: if one wants to know, which chronicles (in the widest sense) and saints’ lives contain a narrative for a given century (and within it more or less exact time span) this guide would list the most important ones all across Europe in the widest sense. It does not attempt to offer critical scholarship, but points to reference works, where that can be found. The selection of works may be called arbitrary: the editors and their collaborators included those texts that they felt were of significance for the history of a period. From the rich treasure of hagiography, our selection is even more restricted. In the case of languages not widely known, we usually included only those narratives that are available in a “Western” language translation.


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chronology, medieval, historical, narrative, time span


Arts and Humanities

A Chronology of Medieval Historical Narratives
