Arguing for what No One Wants: The Narratives of Nuclear Waste Storage Proponents.
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Journal/Book Title/Conference
Environmental Communication
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In this essay, the authors examine the public discourse of three different proponent groups (Native Americans, Industry, and Community Advocates) to gain insight into the narratives used to justify the decision to support a typically unwanted land use. The questions they ask are: first, who are the actors, what is their agency, and what is their purpose, as revealed through an analysis of the compiled text? Second, in what ways do their stories combine into a coherent narrative of support for the project; and, finally, does the meta-narrative resonate with their primarily western states audience? They conclude with suggestions as to how this project informs participants in other waste management controversies.
Recommended Citation
Peeples, Jennifer, Richard S. Krannich and Jesse Weiss. “Arguing for what No One Wants: The Narratives of Nuclear Waste Storage Proponents.” Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture, 2.1 (2008): 40-58. Funding from USDA National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program, 1999-2003.