"The Impact of Market Focus on Operations Practices" by T. Laosirihongthong, K. C. Tan et al.

The Impact of Market Focus on Operations Practices

T. Laosirihongthong
K. C. Tan
V. R. Kannan, Utah State University


A key element of successful organisations is the alignment of their strategy and tactics. This study explores the relationship between a firm’s competitive strategy and its operations practices in the context of a developing economy. Two competitive strategies are examined; a niche market strategy characterised by targeting specific market segments, and a broad market strategy characterised by serving a wide range of market segments. Three sets of operations practices consistent with the adoption of lean manufacturing, Total Quality Management, and relationship development in a supply chain context, are explored. Using survey data from senior managers in Thailand, results show that for firms adopting a niche market focus, competitive strategy directly influences process management and relationship development, which in turn affect workforce commitment. Only workforce commitment has a direct effect on operational performance. In contrast, for firms adopting a broad market focus, competitive strategy directly influences workforce commitment, which in turn affects process management and relationship development practices. It is the latter practices that directly influence operational performance.