Holonomy Braidings, Biquandles and Quantum Invariants of Links with SL2(C) Flat Connections
Document Type
Journal/Book Title/Conference
Selecta Mathematica
Birkhaeuser Science
Publication Date
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NSF, Division of Mathematical Sciences 1664387
NSF, Division of Mathematical Sciences
R. Kashaev and N. Reshetikhin introduced the notion of holonomy braiding extending V. Turaev’s homotopy braiding to describe the behavior of cyclic representations of the unrestricted quantum group Uqsl(2) at root of unity. In this paper, using quandles and biquandles we develop a general theory for Reshetikhin-Turaev ribbon type functor for tangles with quandle representations. This theory applies to the unrestricted quantum group Uqsl(2) and produces an invariant of links with a gauge class of quandle representations.
Recommended Citation
Blanchet, C., Geer, N., Patureau-Mirand, B., & Reshetikhin, N. (2020). “Holonomy Braidings, Biquandles and Quantum Invariants of Links with SL2(C) Flat Connections.” Selecta Mathematica, vol. 26, no. 2, p. 19. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00029-020-0545-0