Scanning Microscopy
Volume 6, Number 2 (1992)
Quantitative Imaging Ion Microscopy: A Short Review
G. A. Valaskovic and G. H. Morrison
A Review of Graphite and Gold Surface Studies for Use as Substrates in Biological Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Studies
Carol R. Clemmer and Thomas P. Beebe Jr.
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Biological Macromolecular Structures Coated with a Conducting Film
M. Amrein and H. Gross
Visualizing Cells in Three Dimensions Using Confocal Microscopy, Image Reconstruction and Isosurface Rendering: Application to Glial Cells in Mouse Central Nervous System
Frank Morgan, Elisa Barbarese, and John H. Carson
Silicified Mississippian Paleosol Microstructures: Evidence for Ancient Microbial-Soil Associations
Ray Kenny and David H. Krinsley
The Interpretation of X-Ray and Electron Signals Generated in Thin or Layered Targets
R. H. Packwood and G. Remond
Growth of YBa2Cu3O7-δ Thin-Films–Nucleation, Heteroepitaxy and Interfaces
M. Grant Norton and C. Barry Carter
Electron Beam Induced Capacitance
O. V. Kononchuk and Eu. B. Yakimov
Can We See Living Structure in a Cell?
Gilbert N. Ling
Correction for Extraneous Background in X-Ray Microanalysis of Cell Cultures
Anne von Euler, Romuald Wróblewski, and Godfried M. Roomans
An Improved Method for Preparing Microvascular Corrosion Casts of Rat Embryos
S. Yoshida and J. Chiba
Scanning Electron Microscopic Studies of the Oral Mucosa and Its Microvasculature: A Review of the Palatine Mucosa and Its Microvascular Architecture in Mammals
Y. Ohta, S. Okada, I. Toda, and H. Ike
Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis Studies of Early Dental Calculus on Resin Plates Exposed to Human Oral Cavities
T. Kodaka, Y. Ohohara, and K. Debari
Scanning Electron Microscopy - Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy and X-Ray Diffraction Analyses of Human Salivary Stones
H. Mishima, H. Yamamoto, and T. Sakae
Enamel Structure in Astrapotheres and Its Functional Implications
John M. Rensberger and Hans Ulrich Pfretzschner
Structure of Rat Kidneys Following Microwave Accelerated Fixation
Jayashree A. Gokhale and Saeed R. Khan
Scanning Electron Microscopy of the Mammalian Organ of Corti: Assessment of Preparative Procedures
A. Forge, G. Nevill, G. Zajic, and A. Wright
Review and New Case Reports on Scanning Electron Microscopy of Pili Annulati, Monilethrix and Trichothiodystrophy
K. Meyvisch, M. Song, and N. Dourov
Detection of X-Ray Damage Repair by the Immediate Versus Delayed Plating Technique is Dependent on Cell Shape and Cell Concentration
Nandanuri M. S. Reddy, Maria Kapiszewska, and Christopher S. Lange
Relationship Between Villous Shape and Mural Structure in Neutron Irradiated Small Intestine
K. E. Carr, J. S. McCullough, A. C. Nelson, S. P. Hume, S. Nunn, and H. H. M. Kamel
Particle Induced X-Ray Emission Microanalysis of Root Samples from Beech (Fagus sylvatica)
M. Hult, B. Bengtsson, N. P. -O. Larsson, and C. Yang
Scanning Electron Microscopy of a Soil Fungus Gliocladium roseum
David Jones, Derek Vaughan, and William J. McHardy
The Diagnostic and Phylogenetic Significance of Widened and Pronged Hamuli in Feathers
Tim G. Brom and Uri Frank