Scanning Microscopy
Volume 9, Number 3 (1995)
Work Function Dependence of Charge Transfer in Desorption and Sputtering of Atoms from Surfaces
Sarah J. Steuber, Peter Nordlander, Hongxiao Shao, and David C. Langreth
Imaging of Cherenkov and Transition Radiation from Thin Films and Particles
N. Yamamoto and A. Toda
A Reflection Upon the Applicability of Electron Beam Induced Current (EBIC) as a Sensitive Microanalytical Technique (ppb range) for Silicon Materials Research
Martin Kittler and Winfried Seifert
Atomic Force Microscopy of Neuron Networks
A. Cricenti, G. De Stasio, R. Generosi, P. Perfetti, M. T. Ciotti, and D. Mercanti
Thermal Stability of Polystyrene Latex Self-Assembled Arrays Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy
Igor Nevernov and Claudio Nicolini
Atomic Force Microscopy of Nucleoprotein Complexes
Y. L. Lyubchenko, B. L. Jacobs, S. M. Lindsay, and A. Stasiak
Scanning Force Microscopy of Chromatin
Wolfgang Fritzsche, James Vesenka, and Eric Henderson
Consistency in Calibrated Backscattered Electron Images of Calcified Tissues and Minerals Analyzed in Multiple Imaging Sessions
E. G. Vajda, J. G. Skedros, and R. D. Bloebaum
Cross-Linking of Cell Surface Receptors as a Trigger of Cell Apoptosis and Proliferation
Yuri N. Korystov
X-Irradiation-Induced Disorganization of Cytoskeletal Filaments and Cell Contacts in HT29 Cells
Z. Somosy, M. Sass, G. Bognar, J. Kovacs, and G. J. Koteles
Use of Colloidal Gold and Neutron Activation in Correlative Microscopic Labeling and Label Quantitation
B. J. Darien, P. A. Sims, K. T. Kruse-Elliott, T. S. Homan, R. J. Cashwell, A. J. Cooley, and R. M. Albrecht
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopic Studies on Alveolar Bone Remodeling with Orthodontic Tooth Movement and Retention
H. Yagishita, S. Iwatsubo, and T. Aoba
Endoarticular Loose Bodies and Calcifications of the Disk of the Temporomandibular Joint: Morphological Features and Chemical Composition
C. Piacentini, C. Marchetti, A. Callegari, M. Setti, G. Bernasconi, U. Baciliero, P. Menghini, and C. Brusotti
Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy Analysis of Calciotraumatic Lines in Rat Labial Dentin After Acute Exposure to Strontium Chloride
Hiroyuki Mishima, Toshiro Sakae, and Yukishige Kozawa
The Interaction of Laser Energy with Ureter Tissues in a Long Term Investigation
U. Stratmann, K. Schaarschmidt, R. R. Lehmann, A. Heinze, G. H. Willital, and E. Unsold
In Situ Hybridization and Monoclonal Antibody Analysis of Plasma Membrane Ca-Pump mRNA and Protein in Submandibular Glands of Rabbit, Rat and Man
J. L. Borke, A. E. Zaki, D. R. Eisenmann, S. H. Ashrafi, M. M. Sharawy, and S. S. Rahman
Comparative Analysis of Patch Lesions in the Chick Inner Ear Following Acoustic Trauma: Optical Versus Scanning Electron Microscopy
H. J. Adler, J. Mantooth, and Y. Raphael
Comparison of DNA Fragmentation and Color Thresholding for Objective Quantitation of Apoptotic Cells
D. R. Plymale, D. S. Ng Tang, C. D. Fermin, D. E. Lewis, D. S. Martin, and R. F. Garry
Improved Methods for Preserving Macromolecular Structures and Visualizing Them by Fluorescence and Scanning Electron Microscopy
Paul B. Bell Jr. and Barbara Safiejko-Mroczka
Elicitor-Induced Resistance in Tomato Plants Against Fungal Pathogens: Ultrastructure and Cytochemistry of the Induced Response
Nicole Benhamou
Low Temperature Techniques as a Tool in Plant Pathology
Sigrun Hippe-Sanwald
Impact of Escherichia coli on Urine Citrate and Urease-Induced Crystallization
A. Edin-Liljegren, H. H. Hedelin, L. Grenabo, and S. Pettersson
Backscattered Electron Imaging and Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis Studies of Evidence for Calcium Salt Heterogeneity in Fifteen Gallstones from an Elderly Human
Tetsuo Kodaka, Ryoichi Mori, Kazuhiro Debari, Reiji Takiguchi, and Shohei Higashi