Biological and Irrigation Engineering - OCW | OpenCourseWare (OCW) | Utah State University
Utah State OpenCourseWare is a collection of educational material used in our formal campus courses, and seeks to provide people around the world with an opportunity to access high quality learning opportunities. The Biological and Irrigation Engineering (BIE) department applies the art and science of engineering principles to the solution of problems in biological systems, and to the creation of new biological-based systems, processes, and products.

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BIE6300 - Irrigation & Conveyance Control Systems, Spring 2004, Gary P. Merkley


BIE6810 - Biochemical Engineering, Spring 2004, Ron Sims


BIE6150 - Surface Irrigation Design, Spring 2004, Wynn Walker



BIE6110 - Sprinkle & Trickle Irrigation, Fall 2003, Gary P. Merkley