Civil and Environmental Engineering - OCW | OpenCourseWare (OCW) | Utah State University
Utah State OpenCourseWare is a collection of educational material used in our formal campus courses, and seeks to provide people around the world with an opportunity to access high quality learning opportunities. Civil and Environmental Engineering is concerned with planning, designing, constructing, and operating various physical works; developing and utilizing natural resources in an environmentally sound manner; and protecting public health.

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CEE3030 - Uncertainty in Engineering Analysis, Spring 2006, Gilberto E. Urroz


CEE3500 - Fluid Mechanics, Spring 2006, Gilberto E. Urroz


CEE6510 - Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering, Spring 2006, Gilberto E. Urroz



CEE6880 - Soil-based Hazardous Waste Management, Spring 2004, Ron Sims