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Welcome to Writing for Electronic Media, an OER textbook. OER stands for Open Educational Resource, which means it’s free for all who access. Since it is electronic, I will do what I can to keep it updated with the changing media. People’s viewing habits are changing as they migrate to mobile sources, social media, and kitten videos. Television News is still a dominant #1 source, and radio is still the safest way to stay informed in your car. Hopefully, you already have some journalism background. This book does not teach the who, what, when, where, why, and how of reporting; its goal is to teach how to present the journalism you already know via electronic media, primarily television.
Utah State University
Publication Date
writing, electronic media, newsroom, leads, common mistakes, interviewing, producing, teases, promos, live shots, social media, photographers, radio, sports, motivation, ethics, job market
Communication Technology and New Media | Journalism Studies
Recommended Citation
Champagne, Brian; Farimond, Kiera; and Bodily, Brianna, "Writing for Electronic Media" (2017). Textbooks. 3.
Writing for Electronic Media by Brian Champagne is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Writing for Electronic Media by Brian Champagne is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA
Funded by the 2017 Utah State University College of Humanities and Social Science Alternative Textbook Grant