
Outcomes & Impact Quarterly (OIQ) serves as a formal Evaluation publication for USU Extension. The newsletter accepts contributions by USU employees and follow a “Research in Brief” format to communicate evaluation results of Extension programming.

Current Issue: Volume 4, Issue 4 (2024) Strengthening Connections and Promoting Well-Being


Improving Relationships – Hidden Gems Adventure Guides
Naomi Brower, Shannon Cromwell, and Elizabeth Davis


Assessing the Short-Term Outcomes of Erase and Replace: A Series of Health & Wellness Activities
Gabriela Murza, Christina Pay, Eva Timothy, Melanie Dabb, and Cris Meier


Outcomes and Impacts of the Virtual Utah Marriage Celebration
Naomi Brower, Lisa Schainker, and Jared Hawkins


Assessing the Impact of the SNAP-Ed Social Marketing Campaign
Brittney Johnson, LaCee Jimenez, Lea Palmer, and Heidi LeBlanc

O & I Quarterly Cover