All Physics Faculty Presentations
Extended BEG Model of Halogenated Methanes physisorbed on ionic crystals
Document Type
Conference Paper
Journal/Book Title/Conference
Bulletin of the American Physical Society
Publication Date
The 2D dielectric phases and phase transitions of adsorbed dipolar molecules are modeled using a dilute spin-one Ising model. This model is studied in the BEG approximation, using a mean-field approximation, where the interaction parameters are related to system interaction energies using a unique averaging procedure. The model is applied to halogenated methanes physisorbed on MgO(100) and NaCl(100) using previous experimental and theoretical studies to determine the interaction energies. We find temperature-dependent antiferroeletric to ferroelectric dipole phase transitions and order-disorder phase transitions can occur. Phase diagrams are presented.
Recommended Citation
Teresa Burns, Jason Kite and JR Dennison, “Extended BEG Model of Halogenated Methanes physisorbed on ionic crystals,” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 46(1) Part II, 848, (2001). American Physical Society March Meeting 2001, March 12 - 16, 2001, Seattle, Washington.
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 46(1) Part II, 848, (2001). American Physical Society March Meeting 2001, March 12 - 16, 2001, Seattle, Washington.