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Journal of High Energy Physics
Springer Verlag
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We give a master formula for the sin-2 spectrum of a class of three-dimensional Chern-Simons theories at large N, with flavour group containing SU(3), that arise as infrared fixed points of the D2-brane worldvolume field theory and have AdS4 duals in massive type IIA supergravtiy. We use this formula to compute the spin-2 spectrum of the individual theories discuss its supermultiplet structure and, for an N = 2 theory in this class, the spectrum of protected operators with spin 2. We also show that the trace of the Kaluza-Klein graviton mass matrix on the dual AdS4 solutions enjoys certain universality properties. These are shown to relate the class of AdS4 massive IIA solutions under consideration to a similar class of AdS4 solutions of D = 11 supergravity with the same symmetries. Finally, for the N = 2AdS4 solution in this class, we study the entire spectrum at lowest Kaluza-Klein level and relate it to an analogue solution in D = 11 supergravity.
Recommended Citation
Pang, Yi; Rong, Junchen; and Varela, Oscar J., "Spectrum Universality Properties of Holographic Chern-Simons Theories" (2018). All Physics Faculty Publications. Paper 2060.