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The characteristics of spatially localized, small-scale ripple structures were investigated simultaneously in OH (87 km) and O2 (94 km) airglow layers in the mesopause region from Haleakaka, Maui, Hawaii (20.7° N, 156.3° W) using the Utah State University Mesospheric Temperature Mapper (MTM). Ripples with small horizontal wavelengths, ~ 7-15 km, phase speeds, ~ 20-35 m/s, short periods, ~ 5-10 min, and lifetimes of ~ 16-35 min were measured during 2002-2005. We have utilized co-located University of Illinois Na lidar wind and temperature measurements to study the nature of ripples and local atmospheric instabilities that lead to their in situ generation by dynamic instability (Taylor and Hapgood, 1990; Hecht et al. 2004) and convective instability (Fritts et al., 1997; Hecht et al., 1997, 2004).
Recommended Citation
Simkhada, Deepak B.; Taylor, Mike J.; and Liu, Alan Z., "Investigation of Short-Period Ripple-Type Wave Structures in OH and O2 Airglow Emissions and Associated Instabilities in Mesopuase Region Over Maui, Hawaii" (2024). All Physics Faculty Publications. Paper 2196.
Publication date does not represent date presented.