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Space Weather
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A two-pronged study is under way to improve understanding of the D region response to space weather and its effects on HF propagation. One part, the HF Investigation of D region Ionospheric Variation Experiment (HIDIVE), is designed to obtain simultaneous, quantitative propagation and absorption data from an HF signal monitoring network along with solar X-ray flux from the NOAA GOES satellites. Observations have been made continuously since late December 2002 and include the severe disturbances of October–November 2003. GOES satellite X-ray observations and geophysical indices are assimilated into the Data-Driven D Region (DDDR) electron density model developed as the second part of this project. ACE satellite proton observations, the HIDIVE HF observations, and possibly other real-time space weather data will be assimilated into DDDR in the future. Together with the Ionospheric Forecast Model developed by the Space Environment Corporation, DDDR will provide improved specification of HF propagation and absorption characteristics when supplemented by near-real-time propagation observations from HIDIVE.
Recommended Citation
Eccles, J. V., R. D. Hunsucker, D. Rice, and J. J. Sojka (2005), Space weather effects on midlatitude HF propagation paths: Observations and a data-driven D region model, Space Weather, 3, S01002, doi:10.1029/2004SW000094.
Published by the American Geophysical Union in Space Weather.