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The Mock LISA Data Challenges: from Challenge 1B to Challenge 3
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Classical and Quantum Gravity
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The Mock LISA Data Challenges are a programme to demonstrate and encourage the development of LISA data-analysis capabilities, tools and techniques. At the time of this workshop, three rounds of challenges had been completed, and the next was about to start. In this paper we provide a critical analysis of the entries to the latest completed round, Challenge 1B. The entries confirm the consolidation of a range of data-analysis techniques for galactic and massive-black-hole binaries, and they include the first convincing examples of detection and parameter estimation of extreme-mass-ratio inspiral sources. In this paper we also introduce the next round, Challenge 3. Its data sets feature more realistic waveform models (e.g., galactic binaries may now chirp, and massive-black-hole binaries may precess due to spin interactions), as well as new source classes (bursts from cosmic strings, isotropic stochastic backgrounds) and more complicated nonsymmetric instrument noise.
Recommended Citation
The Mock LISA Data Challenges: from Challenge 1B to Challenge 3. K. A. Arnaud, S. Babak, J. G. Baker, M. J. Benacquista, N. J. Cornish, C. Cutler, S. L. Larson, B. S. Sathyaprakash, M. Vallisneri, A. Vecchio, J-Y. Vinet (The Mock LISA Data Challenge Task Force) Classical & Quantum Gravity, 25, 184026-1,20 (2008).
Originally published by Institute of Physics in Classical and Quantum Gravity. Publisher’s PDF available through remote link. May require subscription if user is not on the USU Network.