All Physics Faculty Publications
Quanta Without Quantization
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Quanta without Quantization
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The dimensional properties of fields in classical general relativity lead to a tangent tower structure which gives rise directly to quantum mechanical and quantum field theory structures without quantization.
We derive all the fundamental elements of quantum mechanics from the tangent tower structure, including fundamental commutation relations, a Hilbert space of pure and mixed states, measurable expectation values, Schrödinger time evolution, "collapse" of a state and the probability interpretation.
The most central elements of string theory also follow, including an operator valued mode expansion like that in string theory as well as the Virasoro algebra with central charges.
Recommended Citation
Wheeler, J. T., Quanta without quantization, written for the 1997 General Relativity and Gravitation Awards for Essays on Gravitation. Received Honorable Mention
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