DigitalCommons@USU - Student Research Symposium: Determination of Water Quality at Seven Sites along the Middle to Lower Bear River

Presenter Information

Autumn SladeFollow



Graduation Year



College of Science


Chemistry and Biochemistry Department

Faculty Mentor

Stephen Bialkowski

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation


Water quality is currently a significant topic across the nation and will continue to be as increased nutrients and compounds like pharmaceuticals are introduced into aquatic environments through sources such as wastewater. Many of these compounds have negative or unknown effects to the ecosystem, making it critical to determine the concentrations of these compounds. In this project, various water quality parameters were measured at seven sites along the Middle to Lower Bear River. Concentrations were then compared across the sites, to past data and to set standards in Utah and Idaho. Much of the data was comparable to past data with most state standards being met. However, nitrate was above indicator level for over half of the sites, and turbidity is a problem at the last two sites. Also, chloride and unionized ammonia are at high levels by the last site. Overall, the river tended to decrease in water quality as it moved downstream, with dams like Cutler Reservoir helping to decrease compound concentrations downstream. Using HPLC/UV-Vis method, pharmaceutical concentration was determined to be in the ng/L range or below, with the highest caffeine value at Alexander Reservoir and the highest acetaminophen value at Oneida Narrows. However, the pharmaceutical concentrations are approximate as they could not accurately be determined due to interferences, bad recovery, and high blanks.


South Atrium

Start Date

4-13-2017 10:30 AM

End Date

4-13-2017 11:45 AM


Apr 13th, 10:30 AM Apr 13th, 11:45 AM

Determination of Water Quality at Seven Sites along the Middle to Lower Bear River

South Atrium

Water quality is currently a significant topic across the nation and will continue to be as increased nutrients and compounds like pharmaceuticals are introduced into aquatic environments through sources such as wastewater. Many of these compounds have negative or unknown effects to the ecosystem, making it critical to determine the concentrations of these compounds. In this project, various water quality parameters were measured at seven sites along the Middle to Lower Bear River. Concentrations were then compared across the sites, to past data and to set standards in Utah and Idaho. Much of the data was comparable to past data with most state standards being met. However, nitrate was above indicator level for over half of the sites, and turbidity is a problem at the last two sites. Also, chloride and unionized ammonia are at high levels by the last site. Overall, the river tended to decrease in water quality as it moved downstream, with dams like Cutler Reservoir helping to decrease compound concentrations downstream. Using HPLC/UV-Vis method, pharmaceutical concentration was determined to be in the ng/L range or below, with the highest caffeine value at Alexander Reservoir and the highest acetaminophen value at Oneida Narrows. However, the pharmaceutical concentrations are approximate as they could not accurately be determined due to interferences, bad recovery, and high blanks.