DigitalCommons@USU - Student Research Symposium: Social Media's Effects on Body image Issue and Eating Disorder Behavior

Social Media's Effects on Body image Issue and Eating Disorder Behavior

Presenter Information

Deanna SmithFollow



Graduation Year



College of Humanities and Social Sciences


Sociology, Social Work & Anthropology Department

Faculty Mentor

Jennifer Roark

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


This research study is designed to gauge the influences that social media usage has on college students, and their negative body image and eating disorder behavior. This research will include a study conducted for: current college enrolled students who have eating disorder behaviors and, negative body image due to social media consumption, age, race, and sorority affiliation. Electronic surveys will be circulated through the program Qualtrics throughout the official sorority websites and the survey will be offered to different colleges and classes within Utah State’s student body. The aim of this study will be to gather results from at least 100 sorority affiliated participants and 150 non-affiliated students that are currently enrolled at Utah State University. Surveys will be targeted to measure a sample of Utah State University’s women and measure the correlation between the different factors of negative body image and their effects on eating disorder behavior. Results of the study will be of access to Utah State University, and will be made available to different peer related research groups for further study.


Room 101

Start Date

4-13-2017 3:00 PM

End Date

4-13-2017 4:15 PM

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Apr 13th, 3:00 PM Apr 13th, 4:15 PM

Social Media's Effects on Body image Issue and Eating Disorder Behavior

Room 101

This research study is designed to gauge the influences that social media usage has on college students, and their negative body image and eating disorder behavior. This research will include a study conducted for: current college enrolled students who have eating disorder behaviors and, negative body image due to social media consumption, age, race, and sorority affiliation. Electronic surveys will be circulated through the program Qualtrics throughout the official sorority websites and the survey will be offered to different colleges and classes within Utah State’s student body. The aim of this study will be to gather results from at least 100 sorority affiliated participants and 150 non-affiliated students that are currently enrolled at Utah State University. Surveys will be targeted to measure a sample of Utah State University’s women and measure the correlation between the different factors of negative body image and their effects on eating disorder behavior. Results of the study will be of access to Utah State University, and will be made available to different peer related research groups for further study.