DigitalCommons@USU - Student Research Symposium: A War Between Worlds: PTSD and Combat Preparation




College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Faculty Mentor

Mehmet Soyer

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


This study serves to examine the relationship between heightened training and lowered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder rates. Examines the process of brain damage through excess cortisol release, and procedures of training by which cortisol release can be regulated. Proposes increased training with emphasis on preparing service members for stress of combat, in order to help them learn to regulate stress responses, which are linked to cortisol release and eventual PTSD.


Room 204

Start Date

4-12-2018 1:30 PM

End Date

4-12-2018 2:45 PM


Apr 12th, 1:30 PM Apr 12th, 2:45 PM

A War Between Worlds: PTSD and Combat Preparation

Room 204

This study serves to examine the relationship between heightened training and lowered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder rates. Examines the process of brain damage through excess cortisol release, and procedures of training by which cortisol release can be regulated. Proposes increased training with emphasis on preparing service members for stress of combat, in order to help them learn to regulate stress responses, which are linked to cortisol release and eventual PTSD.