Presenter Information

Emma Heath, Utah State University




Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services


Psychology Department

Faculty Mentor

Kathryn Sperry

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


Rape victim blame contributes to unreported incidents and failure to support victims (Ahrens, 2006). This study investigated the relation between religious priming and victim blame. Religious priming is when someone is exposed to ideas of God or religion. Studies show that when participants are primed with religion, they engage in more prosocial behavior (Shariff & Norenzayan, 2007). The present study aimed to examine whether the benefit of religious priming extends to reducing rape victim blame. Data were collected using a Qualtrics Panel (N=260). Analyses revealed Religious Fundamentalism (i.e. level of religiosity) to be significantly correlated with victim blame (r(259) = .23, p


Room 208

Start Date

4-11-2019 12:00 PM

End Date

4-11-2019 1:15 PM


Apr 11th, 12:00 PM Apr 11th, 1:15 PM

The Effect of Religious Priming on Rape Victim Blame

Room 208

Rape victim blame contributes to unreported incidents and failure to support victims (Ahrens, 2006). This study investigated the relation between religious priming and victim blame. Religious priming is when someone is exposed to ideas of God or religion. Studies show that when participants are primed with religion, they engage in more prosocial behavior (Shariff & Norenzayan, 2007). The present study aimed to examine whether the benefit of religious priming extends to reducing rape victim blame. Data were collected using a Qualtrics Panel (N=260). Analyses revealed Religious Fundamentalism (i.e. level of religiosity) to be significantly correlated with victim blame (r(259) = .23, p