DigitalCommons@USU - Student Research Symposium: Red Velvet By: Lolita Chakrabarti, Designs & Research By: Lauren Haskins




Caine College of the Arts


Art and Design Department

Faculty Mentor

Nancy Hills

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation


My project was to research and design the play 'Red Velvet' by Lolita Chakrabarti. The play is primarily set in the 1830's during the anti-slavery protests. The play follows the actor Ira Aldridge as he discovers what it is like being a black performer during this time. My presentation will include research about the clothing of this era, the accessories, and hairstyles. Along with my design plates for each character. Presentation Time: Thursday, 3-4 p.m.


Logan, UT

Start Date

4-11-2021 12:00 AM

Included in

Life Sciences Commons


Apr 11th, 12:00 AM

Red Velvet By: Lolita Chakrabarti, Designs & Research By: Lauren Haskins

Logan, UT

My project was to research and design the play 'Red Velvet' by Lolita Chakrabarti. The play is primarily set in the 1830's during the anti-slavery protests. The play follows the actor Ira Aldridge as he discovers what it is like being a black performer during this time. My presentation will include research about the clothing of this era, the accessories, and hairstyles. Along with my design plates for each character. Presentation Time: Thursday, 3-4 p.m.