


College of Humanities and Social Sciences


English Department

Faculty Mentor

Paul Crumbley

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation


My research is focused on how May Swenson displays her personal and spiritual beliefs through the use of nature-based and gender-queer poetry. I focus on four of Swenson's poems: 'The Centaur,' 'Women,' 'Let Us Prepare,' and 'Mornings Innocent,' describing how each poem contributes to her argument that true spirituality is found in free personal expression and the rejection of traditional societal, religious, and gender norms.


Logan, UT

Start Date

4-13-2021 12:00 AM

Included in

Life Sciences Commons


Apr 13th, 12:00 AM

Queer Spirituality: Exploring the Poetry of May Swenson

Logan, UT

My research is focused on how May Swenson displays her personal and spiritual beliefs through the use of nature-based and gender-queer poetry. I focus on four of Swenson's poems: 'The Centaur,' 'Women,' 'Let Us Prepare,' and 'Mornings Innocent,' describing how each poem contributes to her argument that true spirituality is found in free personal expression and the rejection of traditional societal, religious, and gender norms.