College of Science
Faculty Mentor
Joel Pederson
Presentation Type
Poster Presentation
The landscape evolution of southeastern Utah is dominated by two factors: erosion of rocks by the Colorado River drainage system; and deformation of rocks by salt tectonics. Salt tectonic activity is ultimately due to the Pennsylvanian Paradox Formation underlying much of the red rock canyon area of southeastern Utah. The Paradox Formation is made of various ductile salts, which flow under pressure gradients. The incision of the Colorado River has unloaded pressure on the Paradox Formation, forming river anticlines in the Canyonlands of Utah; best exemplified by the Meander Anticline. This research conducts a structural analysis of Shafer Basin by combining photogrammetric methods and a comprehensive review of nearby gas and oil exploration wells to propose the existence of a previously undescribed river anticline intersecting the Cane Creek Anticline. This research finds that there is no distinct stratigraphic relationship with the Colorado River bottom and occurrence of river anticlines. Presentation Time: Wednesday, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Logan, UT
Start Date
4-12-2021 12:00 AM
Investigation of an Incipient River Anticline Downstream of Moab, UT
Logan, UT
The landscape evolution of southeastern Utah is dominated by two factors: erosion of rocks by the Colorado River drainage system; and deformation of rocks by salt tectonics. Salt tectonic activity is ultimately due to the Pennsylvanian Paradox Formation underlying much of the red rock canyon area of southeastern Utah. The Paradox Formation is made of various ductile salts, which flow under pressure gradients. The incision of the Colorado River has unloaded pressure on the Paradox Formation, forming river anticlines in the Canyonlands of Utah; best exemplified by the Meander Anticline. This research conducts a structural analysis of Shafer Basin by combining photogrammetric methods and a comprehensive review of nearby gas and oil exploration wells to propose the existence of a previously undescribed river anticline intersecting the Cane Creek Anticline. This research finds that there is no distinct stratigraphic relationship with the Colorado River bottom and occurrence of river anticlines. Presentation Time: Wednesday, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.