DigitalCommons@USU - Student Research Symposium: Does Cannabidiol Affect the Physical Properties of Anhydrous Milk Fat and Palm Kernel Oil?




College of Science


English Department

Faculty Mentor

Silvana Martini

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation


As cannabidiol (CBD) is added to more and more foods, it becomes increasingly important to study the effects that this CBD has on the physical properties of the lipids in which they are dissolved, which is the objective of this study. The viscosity, hardness, melting profile, crystal size, and solidification over time are studied for anhydrous milk fat (AMF) and palm kernel oil (PKO). Concentrations by mass of 1% and 2.5% CBD are added to each lipid, and these concentrations are tested against a pure lipid control. AMF is crystallized at 26 C, and PKO is crystallized at 22 C because these are the temperatures at which the ideal observable crystallization is displayed.It was found that the addition of CBD delays the solidification of the AMF and PKO, with an increased concentration causing a greater delay. Addition of CBD did not affect hardness in AMF, and had slight but varying effects on hardness in PKO. To determine viscosity, G’ was measured using a rheometer at 3 crystallization times/temperatures for each lipid: 90 minutes at crystallization temp, 48 Hours at crystallization temp, and 48 Hours at 5 C after 90 minutes at crystallization temp. AMF is found to display increasing G’ with increasing CBD concentration over all times. PKO is found to display decreasing G’ with increasing CBD concentration at the two 48 Hour storage times, but mixed results after the 90-minute period. Crystal size increased with increasing CBD for both lipids. Melting/crystallization profile was not affected by CBD presence.


Logan, UT

Start Date

4-8-2022 12:00 AM

Included in

Physics Commons


Apr 8th, 12:00 AM

Does Cannabidiol Affect the Physical Properties of Anhydrous Milk Fat and Palm Kernel Oil?

Logan, UT

As cannabidiol (CBD) is added to more and more foods, it becomes increasingly important to study the effects that this CBD has on the physical properties of the lipids in which they are dissolved, which is the objective of this study. The viscosity, hardness, melting profile, crystal size, and solidification over time are studied for anhydrous milk fat (AMF) and palm kernel oil (PKO). Concentrations by mass of 1% and 2.5% CBD are added to each lipid, and these concentrations are tested against a pure lipid control. AMF is crystallized at 26 C, and PKO is crystallized at 22 C because these are the temperatures at which the ideal observable crystallization is displayed.It was found that the addition of CBD delays the solidification of the AMF and PKO, with an increased concentration causing a greater delay. Addition of CBD did not affect hardness in AMF, and had slight but varying effects on hardness in PKO. To determine viscosity, G’ was measured using a rheometer at 3 crystallization times/temperatures for each lipid: 90 minutes at crystallization temp, 48 Hours at crystallization temp, and 48 Hours at 5 C after 90 minutes at crystallization temp. AMF is found to display increasing G’ with increasing CBD concentration over all times. PKO is found to display decreasing G’ with increasing CBD concentration at the two 48 Hour storage times, but mixed results after the 90-minute period. Crystal size increased with increasing CBD for both lipids. Melting/crystallization profile was not affected by CBD presence.