DigitalCommons@USU - Student Research Symposium: Hidden Symmetries in Black Holes




College of Science


English Department

Faculty Mentor

Maria J. Rodriguez

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


Our objective is to show the existence of conformal symmetries in rotating black hole solutions near its event horizon. To do so, we are going to study the cases of both Kerr BH and 5D Myers-Perry BH. In particular, by applying certain coordinate transformations, we will be able exploit this conformal invariance from its geometry as well as the dynamics of scalar fields propagating on this particular background. The invariance allows as to describe strongly coupled systems, conformal field theories to be specific, in lower dimensions.


Logan, UT

Start Date

4-8-2022 12:00 AM

Included in

Physics Commons


Apr 8th, 12:00 AM

Hidden Symmetries in Black Holes

Logan, UT

Our objective is to show the existence of conformal symmetries in rotating black hole solutions near its event horizon. To do so, we are going to study the cases of both Kerr BH and 5D Myers-Perry BH. In particular, by applying certain coordinate transformations, we will be able exploit this conformal invariance from its geometry as well as the dynamics of scalar fields propagating on this particular background. The invariance allows as to describe strongly coupled systems, conformal field theories to be specific, in lower dimensions.