DigitalCommons@USU - Student Research Symposium: Nuclear Fusion: Powering the Future




College of Engineering


English Department

Faculty Mentor

Cree Taylor

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation


There has always been a concern for power generation for the world. With limited fossil fuels and the inefficiency of our current, renewable, power generation, a solution to our issue has been in the works for many years. Engineers, scientists, and civil workers are hard at work attempting to apply nuclear fusion to create massive amounts of power for the foreseeable future. Research was conducted using internet and library resources to find primary and secondary sources. For this study, interviews and news reports and case studies were reviewed to provide diverse information. To summarize what was found, engineers are hard at work to create the proper environment to allow fusion to happen in a safe way. Past experimentation has proved fusion to be inconclusive. Understanding of the purpose and current state of nuclear fusion can excite and catalyze the progress of our endeavors to produce clean, reliable power for the foreseeable future.


Logan, UT

Start Date

4-8-2022 12:00 AM


Apr 8th, 12:00 AM

Nuclear Fusion: Powering the Future

Logan, UT

There has always been a concern for power generation for the world. With limited fossil fuels and the inefficiency of our current, renewable, power generation, a solution to our issue has been in the works for many years. Engineers, scientists, and civil workers are hard at work attempting to apply nuclear fusion to create massive amounts of power for the foreseeable future. Research was conducted using internet and library resources to find primary and secondary sources. For this study, interviews and news reports and case studies were reviewed to provide diverse information. To summarize what was found, engineers are hard at work to create the proper environment to allow fusion to happen in a safe way. Past experimentation has proved fusion to be inconclusive. Understanding of the purpose and current state of nuclear fusion can excite and catalyze the progress of our endeavors to produce clean, reliable power for the foreseeable future.