DigitalCommons@USU - Student Research Symposium: Detecting Climate Change in Trilobite Time




College of Science


English Department

Faculty Mentor

Carol Dehler

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


Trilobites are a signature marine fossil of the Cambrian explosion, which took place about 500 Ma (million years ago). By studying these fossiliferous rocks (limestone), we can get an understanding of ecological and environmental change. In fact, we can detect the ancient carbon cycle by measuring stable carbon isotopes in these limestone samples. By studying the carbon environment the trilobites lived in and which trilobite species evolve or go extinct, we can learn more about ancient climate events and constrain them to a certain period of time based off the age of radioactive zircons we find in sandy material around the site we are researching.


Logan, UT

Start Date

4-8-2022 12:00 AM

Included in

Geology Commons


Apr 8th, 12:00 AM

Detecting Climate Change in Trilobite Time

Logan, UT

Trilobites are a signature marine fossil of the Cambrian explosion, which took place about 500 Ma (million years ago). By studying these fossiliferous rocks (limestone), we can get an understanding of ecological and environmental change. In fact, we can detect the ancient carbon cycle by measuring stable carbon isotopes in these limestone samples. By studying the carbon environment the trilobites lived in and which trilobite species evolve or go extinct, we can learn more about ancient climate events and constrain them to a certain period of time based off the age of radioactive zircons we find in sandy material around the site we are researching.