DigitalCommons@USU - Student Research Symposium: Ukraine and NATO




College of Humanities and Social Sciences


English Department

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation


My research and objective was to find out more information on the Ukrainian and Russian war going on in Ukraine right now. Conflicts have always been very interesting to me and I will be serving in the army when I’m done with school, so I feel it is important to be informed on current events such as that. I also believe that it is important the the US does more to support and uphold freedom of other countries from our enemies. So my whole argument was that Ukraine should have been accepted to NATO long before the threat of the Russian invasion was a real thing. My research method was to use primary and secondary sources of my topic, and to come up with an argument using the resources that I had. I also researched different things and atrocities going on in the war to further prove my point. I have found that the West has not done enough or lived up to what they should be legally and morally obligated to do. It also shows that Russia has been breaking geneva conventions and should be held accountable, but most likely never will.


Logan, UT

Start Date

4-10-2022 12:00 AM


Apr 10th, 12:00 AM

Ukraine and NATO

Logan, UT

My research and objective was to find out more information on the Ukrainian and Russian war going on in Ukraine right now. Conflicts have always been very interesting to me and I will be serving in the army when I’m done with school, so I feel it is important to be informed on current events such as that. I also believe that it is important the the US does more to support and uphold freedom of other countries from our enemies. So my whole argument was that Ukraine should have been accepted to NATO long before the threat of the Russian invasion was a real thing. My research method was to use primary and secondary sources of my topic, and to come up with an argument using the resources that I had. I also researched different things and atrocities going on in the war to further prove my point. I have found that the West has not done enough or lived up to what they should be legally and morally obligated to do. It also shows that Russia has been breaking geneva conventions and should be held accountable, but most likely never will.