DigitalCommons@USU - Student Research Symposium: The Death Penalty is a Viable Punishment




College of Science


English Department

Faculty Mentor

Cree A. Taylor

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation


The death penalty is a penalty that is worthy of heinous perpetrators. Heinous crimes will be committed, and often, the perpetrator is given a punishment unworthy of the crime committed. This causes a low-risk factor when committing the crime. This can cause issues for many, including the victim’s family. The lack of worthy punishment can affect the victim's family, and it may result in outrage against the public, or a personal attack on the perpetrator or the perpetrator’s family. This creates a violent environment that can lead to other American citizens being hurt because the victim’s family took their own route to justice. The death penalty also offers an opportunity. It provides a fair and just trial, with the highest regarded justices, the Supreme Court. Precautions are taken to ensure that people are not wrongfully executed. This trial presents the opportunity for rehabilitation. The chance to be found innocent or undeserving of certain punishment. This will cause some perpetrators a chance to walk free and see their families.The United States needs a punishment that benefits all, whilst also protecting the lives of American citizens. The punishment best suited for this role is the death penalty.


Logan, UT

Start Date

4-7-2022 12:00 AM


Apr 7th, 12:00 AM

The Death Penalty is a Viable Punishment

Logan, UT

The death penalty is a penalty that is worthy of heinous perpetrators. Heinous crimes will be committed, and often, the perpetrator is given a punishment unworthy of the crime committed. This causes a low-risk factor when committing the crime. This can cause issues for many, including the victim’s family. The lack of worthy punishment can affect the victim's family, and it may result in outrage against the public, or a personal attack on the perpetrator or the perpetrator’s family. This creates a violent environment that can lead to other American citizens being hurt because the victim’s family took their own route to justice. The death penalty also offers an opportunity. It provides a fair and just trial, with the highest regarded justices, the Supreme Court. Precautions are taken to ensure that people are not wrongfully executed. This trial presents the opportunity for rehabilitation. The chance to be found innocent or undeserving of certain punishment. This will cause some perpetrators a chance to walk free and see their families.The United States needs a punishment that benefits all, whilst also protecting the lives of American citizens. The punishment best suited for this role is the death penalty.